👩🏻💻 Join me on a typical workday as a digital marketing manager at a marketing agency in Toronto! As I work remotely, you’ll see a day of working from home and how I juggle between two different jobs that I have.
💬 We’ll talk inbound marketing, Hubspot, marketing jargon and more!
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Hoy analizamos el caso de la famosa marca de bebidas Coca-cola. Esta marca nació de la idea de un farmacéutico de Atlanta (John Pemberton) con la intención de ayudar a los trabajadores a combatir la fatiga y acabó por comercializarse a nivel mundial, convirtiéndose en uno de los nombres más reconocidos alrededor del mundo.
Música Chillhop: https://www.youtube.com/user/Chillhopdotcom Video Rating: / 5
The Mumbai-based Capital First is a leading NBFC player that specializes in providing debt finance to MSMEs & Consumers in the country. CNBC TV18’s AB Ravi talks to V Vaidyanathan Founder & Chairman of Capital First to understand his vision & strategy. Also bringing in a banker’s perspective is Rajat Verma, MD & Head – Commercial Banking, HSBC India. HSBC & CNBC-TV18 present Making It Big Season 8
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Dosto apna capital first ka loan keise in months keise check karein vo bhi apne mobile pe
Download the Capital first Loan app in Google play store.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.capitalfirst Video Rating: / 5
Que Calor (feat. J Balvin & El Alfa) – Major Lazer | Official Music Video
Subscribe to the Major Lazer YouTube Channel – http://majorlazer.fm/YouTube
Listen to Que Calor: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor
Spotify: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor/spotify
Apple Music: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor/applemusic
YT Music: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor/youtubemusic
iTunes: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor/itunes
Soundcloud: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor/soundcloud
Amazon Music: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor/az
Deezer: https://smarturl.it/QueCalor/deezer
Jiosaavn: https://smarturl.it/QueCalorJiosaavn
Major Lazer
J Balvin man
Latino Gang
El Alfa
Que calor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca
Por favor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca por favor
Esa rubia no me entiende si yo le hablo español
Pero se aprendió la canción a la perfección (lo sabe)
Por mi patria, por my nation
Ninguna discriminacion
Aqui no hay raza ni religion
Bailalo por obligación
Que calor (x2)
Que Calor, yeca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca
Por favor (x2)
La mujeres me la como al vapor
En la playa bañado en sudor
Los bikinis te queden mejor
Tu eres mi amor (mor mor mor)
Cada vez que veo ese booty yo me quedo loco
Tu le das asta abajo mami con mucho saoco
Como tu lo mueves en el mundo lo mueven poco
Dale dale, baila a lo loco
Como tu lo mueves en el mundo lo mueven poco
Dale dale, baila a lo loco
Como tu lo mueves en el mundo lo mueven poco
Calentamiento global
Anda suelto el animal
Mano arriba el que es real
Esto se va ser viral
Que calor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca
Por favor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca por favor
Que calor
Que calor, yeca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca
Por favor
It’s Colombia
It’s not Columbia
Not Columbia
Te-te-te-te (repeated)
Director: Colin Tilley
Director Photography: Elias Talbot
Editor: Mark Mayr
Producer: Jamee Ranta, Jack Winter
Executive Producer: Jamee Ranta, Colin Tilley
Production Company: Boy in the Castle, LLC
Commissioner: LARK CREATIVE
P&C Line: Mad Decent
Learn how Product, Price, Promotion and Place create an effective Marketing Mix. Humorous examples depict various Target Markets in this easy-to-understand video. From the Design & Marketing curriculum by Paxton/Patterson Learning Systems. Learn more at http://www.paxtonpatterson.com/actionlabs-overview.aspx
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Please subscribe my channel to watch more videos. Thanks for watching Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet on Children
Internet, the source pioneer of the computing world, starts with the development of computers. Earlier, it was used only to share information with inter-connected computers; later, it became a key source for worldwide sharing and research purposes only for supercomputers.
It was accessible only to limited number of people. In the late 1980s and 1990s it was commercialised and everyone was able to access internet and benefited themselves through this new technology. By the mid-1990s internet has changed the life both as culturally as well as commercially in a drastic manner.
The invention of internet however facilitates the students in many ways but it also brings many negative impacts among the academics life of students. Internet is like a knife. You can kill a man with a knife or use it for cutting fruits and eating them. It is only an instrument and can be used for good or bad purposes. But many students waste their time unintentionally using internet.
There are certain bad effects stemming from using the internet excessively. Having trouble establishing social ties, neglecting schoolwork, and facing some health problems are some of these bad effects. When it comes to neglecting schoolwork, it can easily be said that a student who can be regarded as an internet addict cannot find adequate time to study for his schoolwork.
For example, it is an undeniable fact that the time when internet cafes are filled to capacity is the time when students begin to leave school. It must also be taken into consideration that students addicted to the internet cannot concentrate on their schoolwork even though they find the opportunity to study.
Therefore, it can be observed that the more time a student squanders on the internet, the less grades he gets in school. Similarly, students who have become slaves of internet are no longer being able to think out of a box of their own. They usually try to get material for their work from the internet sources which are spoiling their lives brain. They do not listen to their lecture intensively- keeping in mind that they can get the required material from the internet which is dreadful for their studies.
Furthermore, they start to learn the things which are prohibited for them too. Students become dizzy and no longer remain active and sharp in their field which has affected the academic life of students and with great extent.
Excessive use of social networking is more like a time killer. Despite the fact that we can be benefited after being in contact with our dear ones; it can cause the adverse effect on the social and academic life of students and keeps them away from social norms and values. Moreover, meeting with heterogeneous people change their mind-sets, they try to persuade them by resisting their persuasive manner.
One of the side effects of the internet is the too much use of fashion. Fashion represents the entire custom and tradition of one’s nation. One should be very careful while adopting it as they are responsible to display their culture with its actual aspects.
Trends and crazes which are very short term possessed thing are often harmful for the people who follow it. Mostly these trends are displayed on net like tattoos, lip and eye lashes piercing are very much common internationally. Students who are not mature enough usually adopt it without knowing its harmful effects, which also influence others to adopt it. Such crazes and illegal fashion which are prohibited in Islam mostly attract youngsters and force them to follow.
Even though at first glance the effects of the internet addiction are generally ignored, they might contribute to some serious problems in the long run. In my opinion, people who have drifted into this addiction had better use the internet less, know that life is not impossible in the absence of the internet. Video Rating: / 5
En este Curso de Marketing General veremos el siguiente contenido:
2. EL MARKETING – 02:41
– Que es el marketing
– Entorno del marketing
3. MARKETING MIX – 35:57
– Producto
– Precio
– Plaza o Distribución
– Promoción o Comunicación
4. LA VENTA – 58:13
5. LA PUBLICIDAD – 01:04:55
– Banners
– Publicidad en TV
– Periódicos o Revistas
– Señalética
– Vallas publicitarias
– Exposición en ferias
– Trípticos y bipticos
– Materiales de escritorio
– Medios digitales
6. EL CONSUMIDOR – 01:10:53
– Modelo de comportamiento del consumidor
– Condicionantes del comportamiento
– Fases del proceso de decisión de compra
– Tipos de comportamientos de compra
– El comportamiento de compra de las organizaciones
– El mercado
– Niveles de mercado
– Tipología de mercado
– Criterios de segmentación
– El público objetivo
– Posicionamiento en el mercado
8. LA COMPETENCIA – 02:25:36
9. LA MARCA – 02:29:24
– Identidad corporativa
– Imagen corporativa
– Logo
– Nombre
– Eslogan
– Tipografía
– Colores
10. EL PLAN DE MARKETING – 02:57:58
– Descripción de la situación
– Público objetivo
– Fijación de objetivos
– Estrategias y tácticas
– Cartera
– Segmentación
– Posicionamiento
– Marketing Mix
– Plan de acción
– Presupuesto
– Supervisión
Por fin os traigo el vídeo respondiendo a todas las preguntas que me hicisteis sobre la carrera de marketing. Recordemos que estoy en segundl y posiblemente el año que viene cambien muchas respuestas, pero por ahora esta es mi visión de ella ☺ Espero de corazón que os sirva o que al menos, os entretenga 💛 Nos vemos muy prontito 🌸
Cámara con la que grabo los vídeos: https://amzn.to/2UuvTl5 Cámara con la que grabo planos secundarios (mi cámara de fotos): https://amzn.to/2TpLvGs Programa con el que edito mis vídeos: https://amzn.to/2RnFtEo
Difference between every day and economic notions of investment and consumption
Watch the next lesson: https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/macroeconomics/gdp-topic/GDP-components-tutorial/v/income-and-expenditure-views-of-gdp?utm_source=YT&utm_medium=Desc&utm_campaign=macroeconomics
Missed the previous lesson? https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/macroeconomics/gdp-topic/circular-econ-gdp-tutorial/v/more-on-final-and-intermediate-gdp-contributions?utm_source=YT&utm_medium=Desc&utm_campaign=macroeconomics
Macroeconomics on Khan Academy: Topics covered in a traditional college level introductory macroeconomics course
About Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more. Our math missions guide learners from kindergarten to calculus using state-of-the-art, adaptive technology that identifies strengths and learning gaps. We’ve also partnered with institutions like NASA, The Museum of Modern Art, The California Academy of Sciences, and MIT to offer specialized content.
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Subscribe to Khan Academy’s Macroeconomics channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBytY7pnP0GAHB3C8vDeXvg
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