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What is SEO? A guide for new bloggers

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What is SEO? A guide for new bloggers

As a blogger, I know SEO can seem like a really intimidating topic. What do you really have to do to get your blog seen by people using search engines like Google? After reading a hundred articles about what you HAVE TO do, you may be more confused than when you started.

The good news for bloggers is that search engines are getting smarter and smarter all the time. The SEO tricks people used to use to rank #1 on Google no longer work, and Google is focused instead on your content and how helpful it is for people using their search engine.

In this video, Freddy will lay out all the SEO basics you need to be successful as a blogger. He’ll help you understand some of the terms that people in this industry use. And he’ll give you tips on how to make your content stand out in the search results. When you’re ready to start your niche website to earn passive income, check out Project 24, our complete course showing you how to work toward replacing your current income with passive income from websites in 24 months. Check it out here:

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A Simple Hack to Finding the Right Keywords to Rank #1 on Google For (The best Free Tool) // If there’s one SEO lesson you need to learn about ranking #1 on Google, it’s this: the more traffic you get to your website, doesn’t mean the more sales you’re going to generate. If you’re going after the wrong keywords, you’re getting the wrong traffic right now. Even if they’re in your industry and you think you’re targeting the right ones, I bet, they’re the wrong ones. Today I’m going to share with you a simple hack to finding the right keywords to rank number one on Google for.



I got my sites up to hundreds and thousands of visitors. My current site gets over three million visits a month.

Just think about that. 3+ million visits a month.

And if you’re not getting the right kind of traffic, doesn’t matter if you take it from three and go to six, or ten, doesn’t mean you’re going to get more sales.

And I learned that the hard way, but eventually, I learned how to fix it.

So, let’s go over the simple hack to getting you the right keywords to rank on Google for.

Step one, go to Ubersuggest.

When you go to Ubersuggest, you’ll notice, that yeah, you can type in keywords and do keyword research. But, you can also put in a URL and get data on all the traffic that anyone in the space is getting.

What keywords your competition is ranking for, how much cost per click are they paying for these keywords.

So, put in a competitor URL. The ones that you know are making money. If you don’t know, do searches in your space for other competitors and you’ll see which ones are spending money on ads and are bigger than you, have a lot of employees, they tend to do well.

Step two, on that page you’re going to see an overview, a traffic overview of your competitions traffic.

How many visitors you’re getting from that region, whether it’s United States, or Australia, or India. And you’re going to see their top pages, click on top pages.

Step three, under top pages, you’re going to see all the top performing pages that are driving most of their traffic.

Look at all their most popular pages, and click view all, under the estimated visits column. That’ll show you the keywords that are driving the traffic.

Look for the keywords that are driving traffic, have a high cost per click, ideally, in the dollar plus range.

Anything that’s over a dollar, has volume, is their most popular pages – because Ubersuggest sorting it by popularity.

And then you want to look at SEO difficulty. The lower the number, ideally under 50, the better off you are.

Next, what I want you to do, is take that keyword because you’ve found one, and Google for it.

Look up all the pages that rank in the top 10. Click on their site, look at that content that’s ranking.

Read it, understand it.

Now, next step. I want you to write a more thorough version.

More detail, more thorough, poke holes in their content, analyze it, answer everything that they’re not.

It’s not just all about length, it’s about being thorough.

Then, last but not least, just because you create the content, doesn’t mean that you’re going to get the rankings and the traffic.

So, you need to follow the steps so that way you can go in a full circle, and you can get the rankings. Anytime you link out to someone, hit them up. Ask them to share your content.

You can be like, “Hey John, I love your content, so much so I linked out to your site. You can check it out here. If you like my content, feel free and share it on your favorite social network. Cheers, Neil.”

By doing that, you’re going to get more traction, and as you get all this traction, you will start getting better rankings.

And as you get more rankings, you will start generating sales because you’re getting the right kind of traffic.

And if you want to see who links to your competition, check out the backlinks tool on


You can put in a competitor URL or anyone’s URL.

You can see everyone who links to them and you can hit up each of those sites and ask them to link to your article.

If you follow those tactics, you’re going to rank for the right keywords, generate the right kind of traffic, and generate more sales.

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The SEO trends for 2019 you need to know about

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Moz’s Sarah Bird at Web Summit 2018.

How to win in search engine optimisation (SEO) has never been more critical to the modern business. In this talk, search marketing leaders Moz will give you the trends that will define SEO in the year ahead.

Wish you were here? Sign up for 2 for 1 discount code for #WebSummit 2019 now:

10 Small Business Ideas You Can Start At Home in 2019

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10 small businesses you can start at home. Home based business ideas in 2019
My #1 Recommendation To Earning Income Online

Starting a small business at home doesn’t have to be that hard.

And with the Internet anyone can start a small business

This video will give you the details on how to get a small business at home up and running

Your small business could be run out of the comfort of your home

To Your Success
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How I Make ,000 Every Day - Online From Home Business

Video One in my 30 vids in 30 days challenge. Be sure to participate in the 00 comment contest. Expand this description to see how I started my first online business and a ton of other cool stuff

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SEO in 2019 What Will and Won’t Work | Neil Patel

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Today I’m going to share with you SEO in 2019 – what will and won’t work. As time goes on SEO is becoming harder and harder. So should you even do SEO anymore? Of course you should! Majority of the people click on organic listings and not paid listings.

In this video you’ll learn 6 SEO tips and I’ll share with you SEO in 2019 – what works and what doesn’t work.



Google PageSpeed:

Neil Patel Digital:


“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):

“Does Blogging Still Work in 2019?” (video):

“SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019”:

“The 3 SEO Tools I Use Rank #1 on Google | Neil Patel” (video):

“5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post” (video):

“8 Steps to Making Your Blog Successful – Passive Income Online Blogging” (video):

“How I Generated 37,391 Impressions on 1 Blog Post” (video):

Read more SEO tips on my blog:

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The first tip I have for you is, blogging drives a ton of traffic. You guys know that, Google loves content, as they say, content is king. But here’s the thing, there’s over a billion blogs right now. So, if you go out there and you just write tons of blog posts because your competitors rank for all these terms, it won’t work. Regurgitating the same information over and over again won’t produce results in 2019. What you need to do is create a new unique spin. You have to write about fresh stuff that people haven’t seen. So instead of focusing on writing a blog post every day, maybe write a post once a week, or if you can’t even do that, once a month, but if you write something that’s super new and unique, I kid you not, you’re gonna get a ton of social shares, you’re gonna get a ton of backlinks, you’re gonna get a ton of comments and engagement and traffic.

The second tip I have for you is to build a brand. There’s a lot of sites out there creating fake news, and Google hates that. They’re looking for brand signals, and if you’re wondering how big your brand is, go to Google Trends, type in your brand name, versus your competitor, and you’ll see how you’re doing. The reason they wanna rate brands is, it builds trust. They know that if people are looking for your brand, they trust you, and you’re less likely to create crap content or write fake news.

The third tip I have for you is, link building is harder than ever. Everyone’s hitting up these sites for links. Yes, there’s over a billion blogs, but because there’s so many sites out there, everyone’s getting hit up more and more for links.

The fourth tip is make sure your website loads fast. Google has a mobile-only search engine as well as one just for your desktop and laptop devices. Speed is more important than ever. Yes, I know people have 4G and 5G phones, just because they have fast ones doesn’t mean they’re in an area with really strong reception, so that could mean your website loads really, really slow. Use Google Page Speed, it’ll show you what you need to fix to load faster in Google’s eyes.

The next tip I have for you is voice search. Voice search is becoming more and more popular. By 2020 over 50% of the people will be using voice search. So you wanna make sure with your website and your content, ’cause that’s typically what’s gonna rank for voice search, you’re answering questions people may type in, in short sentences. Not big long paragraphs, but it should be one to two sentences. The shorter you are with your responses to the answer, the more likely you’re gonna rank.

The sixth tip for you is, update your content. Google’s tired of ranking old, outdated content. I’ve mentioned this many times, there’s over a billion blogs, so what does that mean? There’s content on everything. Whatever you’re writing on, the chances are, there’s 50 other articles similar to that. If you wanna do better, I know I already mentioned, write new, fresh content. But even with your new, fresh content, other people are gonna copy you, so you need to update it, it doesn’t have to be monthly, but at least once a year, go into your best-performing pieces of content and update them. It’ll help ensure that you continue to rank high on Google.

#NeilPatel #SEO #SEO2019
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Getting Started with Passive Real Estate Investing

Ideas No Comments » – Are you looking to build passive income through real estate? Then don’t miss a moment of this in-depth video where Brandon, co-host of the BiggerPockets Podcast and author of “The Book on Rental Property Investing” walks you through all the steps you need to begin building your passive real estate portfolio.

Topics covered include:
– Why Real Estate Investing?
– The Four Wealth Generators of Real Estate
– My Three Favorite Real Estate Investing Strategies
– Mistakes I’ve made in my real estate investing
– Tips and Tricks for minimizing your time (make it more passive!)

If you enjoy this video, be sure to give us a “Thumbs Up” and also sign up for the next LIVE webinar on BiggerPockets. Sign up at
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$199 Screen printing Press To Start Your Home Business

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The Press I recommend :
Here’s the one i bought:
Cheaper one:
A Better Machine:
Even Better:
Best Press on Amazon:
My IG:
Hey guys, thanks for watching my vid. Just a tutorial and unboxing of this screen printing press. I started screen printing a few years ago and it’s always been a great way to make a quick couple hundred bucks when i needed it. It’s not super hard to get started, you only need a few things, there’s definitely a learning curve but with a little bit of practice anyone could start printing T-shirts. I recommend first making your own T-shirts and practice getting the quality of your prints up, then move on and either start a clothing brand or make custom T-shirts for different groups. Give it a try, you can get the a cheap press for 0. Great investment.
I recommend you make your own screens (it’s 90% cheaper), ill do a tutorial on that soon. and this is just the first part of this small series on screen printing.
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The Complete Guide to SEO in 2019 (Full Webinar)

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The Complete Guide to SEO in 2019 (Full Webinar)

This webinar presents everything you need to know about SEO to rank well on Google and get organic traffic in 2019. We break down Google’s guidelines for page quality and how we can apply them in a practical way on our websites.

To get the slides, go to
To get the notes, go to
Google’s 200 page document,

Our video on speeding up your site is here

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How To Start Side Business At Home?

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The Dave Ramsey Show channel will change the way you experience one of the most popular radio shows in the country!
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Work from Home | 10 Business Ideas to start from HOME!

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Are you searching the internets for ways to work from home and you just can’t figure out what you want to do? I say start your own business! Here are 10 business ideas that will let you work from home.

More about Abbey’s program to teach you how to be a VA can be found here

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Buying my first vending machine to start my home business

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I start a brand new passive income home business and that is with vending machines. You will see me buying my first vending machine to start my home business. I feel these are the best vending machines for beginners as I show you were to buy candy vending machines and that is craigslist. I bought my first candy machine from there and the reason is because it seems like an easy passive income business.
What you’ll see in this video is how to replace a lock on a vending machine, the best type of candy for vending machines, and see how I got locations for my vending machine business.


gumball machines here:

Want to start you own shirt business, check out this playlist:

Check out my homies youtube channel: Ulysses how to

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