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What is Capital Expenditure?

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A company will have different types of expenditure, how will capital expenditure be treated in the accounts? LEARN MORE

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Capital first finance लोन ५० हजार से ५ लाख तक: Capital first finance: Personal Loan/ 1💕Lakh to 5🎁 Lakh at home

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Cuál es el mejor servicio de Internet en México 🤔 Comparativa 2020

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En esta ocasión traemos una comparativa sobre Cuál es el mejor servicio de Internet en México para este 2020 🤔🤔 con información actualizada y datos que probablemente desconocías sobre los proveedores de Internet más importantes del país 😉

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What is Equity

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What is Equity? Equity is a term used in accounting, in real estate and home-ownership, in investing, as well as in startup financing and valuation. The meaning of the term equity is very similar in the various areas where it is used, so it will be good to review all four of these to get the best understanding.

In accounting, equity is a term that you will find on the balance sheet. What you own is on the left: assets. What you owe is on the right: liabilities and equity. Equity is the book value of the shareholder capital. The accounting equation tells you that assets equal liabilities plus equity. That also means that equity equals assets minus liabilities.

Equity on a balance sheet goes up when a company is profitable: the net income for the year gets added to equity through retained earnings. Equity on a balance sheet goes down when the company is loss-making (losses “eat up” the equity), or when the company pays a dividend to its shareholders.

Equity in home-ownership works very similar to equity on the balance sheet. What we own is on the left: the house worth 0.000. What we owe is on the right: 0.000 of mortgage loan from the bank, and the owner of the house, Jim, has 0.000 of equity in the house. Equity in home-ownership is what a home is worth minus how much you owe to the bank.

Just like equity on the balance sheet of a company can go up or down, the equity that you have in your home can go up or down. If Jim is paying down the mortgage on his house by .000, then the amount of the loan outstanding will decrease and his equity in the house will increase. If the market value of the house increases, then Jim’s equity in the house will increase. Remember that equity is what a home is worth minus how much you owe to the bank. If the market value of the house decreases, then Jim’s equity in the house will decrease, or even become negative. Jim will need to have a conversation with the bank to make a remediation plan to get back to positive equity, or in the worst case scenario Jim might lose the ownership of the house and the bank will need to take a partial write-off of its outstanding loan.

Investing in equity. Remember the example of the small manufacturing business that owned a machine, had a loan from a bank, and equity from one shareholder. What if we make that a big manufacturing business that owns lots of machines at different sites totaling billion, has many loans outstanding totaling 0 million that are publicly traded in the bond market, and has many different shareholders as the certificates of ownership, the equity, is traded publicly as well. As an investor, you have the choice of buying bonds (which would have a predetermined interest rate, and has the machines as collateral), or the choice of buying stocks (which are perceived as having more downside risk as well as more upside potential). Invest in debt, or invest in equity.

Equity in a startup company. How do you put a “price” on what is essentially so far just an idea, that still has to be developed and will find many ups and downs along the way? The company does not have any assets, liabilities and equity yet. The financing and valuation depend on the estimate of the revenue, profit and cash flow that the business idea might bring in the future. A good way to learn about startup companies in the tech field is the comedy series “Silicon Valley”. What happens if the app you are developing turns out to have a great compression algorithm, you are courted by investors ready to fund you, and your friends and roommates suddenly become your employees while you become the CEO? In season one of “Silicon Valley”, landlord/incubator Erlich Bachman has 10% of the shares in startup company Pied Piper, eccentric billionaire Peter Gregory buys 5% for 0.000, and the three employees Gilfoyle, Dinesh and Jared get 3% each in what someday might be a multi-billion $ company. By my math, that sets the CEO Richard Hendricks up with 76% of the shares in the company. In subsequent seasons of the comedy series, Pied Piper goes through various rounds of financing, as well as acquisitions and other ownership changes.

Having equity can be a great thing. Equity has potential risks as well as potential rewards. The term equity is used in accounting, in home-ownership, in investing, and in start-up financing and valuation. Probably the easiest metaphor to remember is equity in home-ownership: what a home is worth minus how much you owe to the bank.

Philip de Vroe (The Finance Storyteller) aims to make strategy, #finance and leadership enjoyable and easier to understand. Learn the business and accounting vocabulary to join the conversation with your CEO at your company. Understand how financial statements work in order to make better #investing decisions. Philip delivers #financetraining in various formats: YouTube videos, classroom sessions, webinars, and business simulations. Connect with me through Linked In!
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Kids can simply watch this alphabet writing lesson, or follow along at home by downloading the printable worksheet at:

Get out those pencils and get ready to learn how to write the ABCs! This fun ALPHABET WRITING lesson for kids teaches toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners how to write the uppercase letter D! Follow along with Lotty as she traces the letter D over and over, until she can write it on her own. Lotty even completes the ABC writing worksheet at a slow pace so that is easy for children to follow along. Repetition and practice is key in developing writing muscle memory with children. This video makes alphabet writing and even ABC letter recognition so simple! Play the video and follow along. Practice makes perfect so let your child follow along with this video daily until they are able to write the letter correctly on their own. Alphabet writing made simple!

Make sure to move on to the other alphabet writing lessons once your child has mastered this letter. Toddlers, Preschoolers and kindergarteners will absolutely love watching Lotty trace ABCs in Upper and Lowercase. Each worksheet moves at a slow pace to let children easily follow along.

Simple, repetitive ABC learning videos are a great way for Toddlers, Preschoolers and Kindergarteners to learn the alphabet. They are also great for Daycares to play in the background throughout the day. This alphabet writing lesson is not only a perfect way for children to write the different letters, but also to reinforce their knowledge and recognition of the entire alphabet! Repetition in children’s learning is the key to ABC letter success. Hope you enjoy our alphabet writing lesson! Thanks for watching. please leave a comment.

SUBSCRIBE TODAY!! We release a new lesson every day!

Lotty Learns is a FREE ABC writing and phonics kids learning website designed to give every child a jump-start in their education. Learning can be fun!

Visit for more free lessons, songs, interactive games, worksheets, and apps!

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"Capital One Lied To You?! Shocker!"

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“Capital One Lied To You?! Shocker!
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Is Capital One 360 worth it? What do I think about Capital One 360 Savings and Capital One 360 Checking? Watch my Capital One 360 Review video to find out.

At first, all I really knew about Capital One’s savings and checking accounts were that they had those ridiculously strange commercials about being able to get coffee at their bank branch, something called a Capital One Café. The Capital One Café felt like a super strange way to connect with “millennials”.

But as I looked into it, I found out that the Capital One savings account is actually pretty decent. The Capital One checking account, however, is really lacking.

i’ll jump right into the Capital One Savings account.

Capital One 360 Savings is the main draw of the two accounts. The Capital One savings account, on its own, is pretty decent.

First, Capital One 360 Savings account comes with a 1.80% interest rate, which compares favorably among most bank accounts, especially Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citi, all of which have rates near zero percent. However, there are slightly higher savings account rates out there such as through Varo Bank, but overall, Capital One savings has a top-tier rate. Furthermore, this account is FDIC insured.

Just note that this 1.80% rate will change (up or down) depending on what the Federal Reserve does, but that is the same for all FDIC-insured savings accounts.

Second, this account has no fees to open or maintain, which is in line with other online banks like SoFi, Ally, Discover, Varo, Wealthfront, Robinhood, and Marcus by Goldman Sachs.

However, you are limited in the Capital One savings account to transferring money more than 6 times per month, otherwise you will owe a fee. This compares negatively to SoFi Money and Robinhood Cash Management, both of which do not have this restriction.

Also, you cannot withdraw money from this account via an ATM. You must transfer money into another account, either at Capital One checking or elsewhere, in order to withdraw the money.
Also, you can only make deposits into the Capital One savings account via another bank account. You can, however, withdraw or deposit money from a Capital One bank branch.

A few other noteworthy features of this account include:

– The ability to set savings goals
– Automated savings transfers into the account from another source
– Mobile check deposit
– A customer support number

So, should you get the Capital One savings account? I see the Capital One 360 Savings account as best used for an emergency fund and not much else. It has very little functionality or extra perks that make it worthwhile, but it is FDIC insured and has a good interest rate with no fees.

Now, the Capital One 360 Checking account is not worth getting in my opinion, though it is decent. There are much better checking accounts out there like SoFi Money.

First, there are again no major fees or minimum deposits required on this FDIC insured account. This is a major plus especially when compared to the big banks, but it is really not too special when compared to all of the new fintech firms out there today.

However, Capital One 360 checking is not completely free. They do charge between -11 for ordering checks, which is an annoyance (though your first checkbook is free). Firms like SoFi Money do not charge for ordering checks.

Second, Capital One 360 checking does pay interest of between 0.20% and 0.75%. There are still banks out there like Robinhood and SoFi Money that pay much better interest on the equivalent of a checking account.

Third, Capital One gives you fee free access to all Capital One ATMs and all AllPoint Network ATMs, which are around 39,000 in total.

The BEST FEATURE of Capital One 360 checking is the fact that you can deposit cash at some ATMs. But it is very limited. You can use the Capital One 360 online tool to find out which ATMs will accept cash near you.

Nearly all other online banks do not allow you to make cash deposits, so this is a huge benefit to Capital One 360 checking and might be worth the tradeoff of the slightly lower interest rate for some people who get paid in cash.

So overall, I would get the Capital One 360 checking is you need to deposit cash often; otherwise, I would recommend another firm like Robinhood or SoFi for an all-in-one no fee high yield checking/ savings hybrid account.

SoFi Money is my favorite account. It’s free, has a great interest rate, and has a💰 signup bonus link: (this is my wife Sam’s link, mine’s not working right now)

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links on this webpage are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click through and sign up. However, this does not impact my opinions and comparisons.


Kygo – Stole The Show feat. Parson James [Official Music Video – YTMAs]

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Cloud Nine is out now:

Stole the Show feat Parson James out now:

The new music video for Kygo’s Stole the Show feat. Parson James. Directed by Saman Kesh, presented by the 2015 YouTube Music Awards #YTMA

Watch exclusive behind-the-scenes footage:

The 2015 YouTube Music Awards are presented by Kia.


Director: Saman Kesh
Production Company: Vision Film Co
In Association with: Skunk
EP: Matt Factor
EP: Shelly Townsend
Video Commissioner: Laura Tunstall
Producer / EP: Geoff McLean
Director of Photography: Guillermo Garza
Stylist: Michelle Thompson
Production Designer: Jason Kisvarday
Astro 1: Ron Myles
Astro 2: Olga Sokolova
Miniatures: Fon Davis
SPFX: Alterian Inc
Editor: Paul Rogers
Post Co: Varnish
Post Producer: Nicholas Carmen
Post Animation: Marc Steinberg
Additional Animation: Paul Laberge
Post Sound: Brent Kiser
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Miss Honduras Maria Jose Alvarado became a tragic symbol of gender-based violence after she was killed, but many Honduran women live in fear of being attacked by men.

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Sales बढ़ाने का सबसे आसान तरीका | Zero Dollar Marketing | Dr Vivek Bindra

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In this video, Dr. Vivek Bindra gives 7 powerful strategies through which you can increase your sales very easily and that too without any cost.

Dr. Vivek Bindra is an International Motivational Speaker, Leadership Consultant & Business Coach. He has been awarded Honorary Ph.D. Degree, Doctor of Philosophy.
He is a Trusted Advisor to over 1500+ corporates. He has also been an Inspirational Pathfinder to various high-profile entrepreneurs and other top-notch business entities providing Leadership excellence for taking their organizations to the next level. He has been instrumental in providing CEO coaching to over Top 100 CEOs in the country.

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Some Very Compelling Evidence the Tower of Babel Was Real

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Biblical scholars have long debated whether the Tower of Babel really existed. Now, a remarkable stone tablet never before shown on film appears to settle that question.

From the Series: Secrets: Tower of Babel
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Learn how to make Chinese restaurant sweet and sour sauce! This recipe is super easy and quick and uses what you already have in your pantry. No special ingredients required!

What you’ll need:
1/2 cup white sugar (100g)
4 tsp cornstarch (or tapioca, arrowroot, etc.)
4 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp soy sauce
pinch salt
3/4 cup water (180ml)
2 drops red gel food coloring (I use Americolor)

Mix everything in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Once to a boil and thickened, remove from heat and serve. Makes about 1 cup of sauce. Use for dipping sauce, on top of fried rice or to make sweet and sour chicken or pork. Enjoy!

#chineserestaurant #sweetandsoursauce #recipe

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