Archive for the 'Ideas' Category

Purchasing Internet Add-Ons is so easy!

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Watch this video to learn how you can do it!

How To Monitor Internet Data Usage

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How To Monitor Internet Data Usage

Hello Friends! In this video I have explored the idea to check daily internet data usage. you can also check and monitor internet data usage on monthly and current basis.
for this download a software named shaplus bandwidth meter from their official website.

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Computer Solutions
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On nearly every Texas Instruments graphing calculator, there’s a small “headphone” jack along the top. While the port wasn’t originally designed for audio, there are some pretty interesting external hardware hacks that can be done through this port.

Download the Propeller Code here:

Other Software Used:
TruSound v1.0 – Brian Coventry (8:50)

For More Inforation about the Ti Link Protocol:

Music Used:
Late – Topher Mohr and Alex Elena (0:00)
No Good Right – Freedom Trail Studio (3:00)
Tiptoe Out the Back – Dan Lebowitz (4:09)
Birds – Silent Partner (7:57)
I’ve Been Delayed -TAS 1000 (8:50)

Clips in Order of Appearance:
TI-Robot test – (4:09)
TI calc wireless – (7:22)
Graphing Calc Hacked with Touch Screen – (7:30)
Gossamer 1.0: Web Browsing on your Calculator – (7:45)

Avenue Q – The Internet is For Porn

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Avenue Q - The Internet is For Porn

North Hennepin Community College, Brooklyn Park, MN
April 27, 2013

Sarah Dewhirst – Kate Monster
Jenny Reierson – Mrs. Thistletwat
Bryn Tanner, Carter Roeske, Zarah Nesser – Trekkie Monster
Michael Turner – Princeton
Steve Modena – Brian
Tolu Ekisola – Gary Coleman
Zach Miller – Rod
Video Rating: / 5

The original cast performs this number, with clearer footage from the press reel synched to the live performance.


Jennifer Barnhart
Natalie Venetia Belcon
Stephanie D’Abruzzo
Jordan Gelber
Ann Harada
Rick Lyon
John Tartaglia

THIS Calculator can SEARCH THE INTERNET!! New Ruby Calculator Feature

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The new Ruby Calculator Web Search feature allows you to read search engine results from your device.

More Info at:

Also available on eBay:

The Best Internet Service Provider for YOU | Providers, Speed and Data, Pricing and More

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Finding the best ISP for you can be a challenge. In this video, we’ll walk you through how to choose the best internet service provider (ISP) and talk availability, speed and data, price, and more.


Read our full reviews at:

6 Best Internet Service Providers 2021

The Fastest Internet Providers 2021


More reviews to help you out…

Best Internet for streaming —

Best Internet for Gaming —

Getting cheap internet is easier than you think. I used to sell services for Comcast, Charter, and Verizon, to name a few. Here are the hacks you can use to keep your bill low.

Buy your own equipment!
Motorola is what Comcast uses: pays for itself in less than a year!
Netgear has a cheaper one but not as powerful:
Get this one if you have a triple play: (Yes, it’s more expensive but you really have no choice in this matter)
This router will be great for most:

– First, know this. No company needs your social. So stop giving it to them! The only thing you’re doing it making it harder for you to keep getting good deals. Furthermore, you open yourself up to the risk of them putting stuff on your credit if for whatever reason you can’t pay, or they lose your equipment! Yes, they lose your equipment or “forget”, to check in the fact you’ve turned it in, and now the burden is on you to prove that you actually turned in your equipment. (Hope you kept the receipt!) Those things are expensive too. For a cable box it can be up to ,000 and they put that stuff on people’s credit all the time even though the person turned it in and turned it in on time.

– Always stay in a promotion. When the promotion is up, cancel, and put it in someone else’s name. So armed with the fact you know you don’t have to give them your social, you can put the thing in anyone’s name. Now some companies like Comcast have tried to stop this as of late and if the disconnecting of services and reconnection happen all the same week they may ask you for a lease in the next person’s name. So, you’ll need a lease showing the new person’s name.

If they’re hip to this and are giving you problems, just go with another company for 30 days. All of these companies have a 30 day money back guarantee, although this can change whenever they feel like it, but I THINK it’s law. So within 30 days you can cancel for any reason and get your money back. So just do that and then go back to the other company or keep the new one.

These companies rarely compete with each other, so you usually won’t find two dominating companies in the same area. You might be able to get Verizon and Comcast, or even Google. So if you do live in one of these areas, you can just cancel one service and get the new one hooked up and when that promotion is done, switch back, and keep doing it.

– Don’t believe them when they tell you, you have to sign a contract. YOU DON’T. Just simply tell them, “I don’t want to sign a contract”. It is usually always the same deal, but of course they want you to sign a contract because it keeps you locked in longer and paying more. The contracts are usually always longer than the promotion period, so you’ll sign a 2 year contract, but the promotion is only for 1 year, leaving you with 1 year of high payments. Don’t do that.

Never sign contracts if possible, not for anything unless the contract benefits you. Always leave yourself open to the option of freedom, and being able to switch, cancel, or modify a service or product when you want.

– Never rent their equipment! It’s ridiculously expensive. So, let’s say you’re going to enter into a deal where the promotion is 1 year. If you’re paying /mo to rent the modem, that’s 6 (plus tax) that you’ve paid for the equipment. Just spend the 6 and buy your own modem and router. It’ll be brand new, and you can keep it forever and use it with any other cable company.

– Don’t get the triple play or the home security they offer. You likely have a cell phone and don’t need a house phone, but if you do need one, there are companies like Ooma that offer free phone service if you just buy their device. I used them for years. It’s like per month for taxes. Also get a security system that doesn’t require a subscription. Get one that just needs a wireless connection.
Now for me, I’d skip the cable as well. Subscribing to Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime are all cheaper than having a cable bill every month, even if it’s on promotion. No commercials (except for Hulu) and you can watch on your own time, can’t beat that!

– Don’t get the top tier internet. 100mbps or something around there is perfect and if it’s Spectrum, it’s their base package. I got around 130mbps and I only paid per month for a year. Even after that it went to which still wasn’t bad and since I knew I was about to move I just left it at that.

So let’s do the math, Internet + Prime + Netflix (for their mid-tier package you can go cheaper) + Hulu + Ooma = /mo

So that’s it. Armed with this knowledge you can permanently cut your cable, internet, and phone prices each month.

Music by Ill Instrumentals:

Cuál es el mejor servicio de Internet en México 🤔 Comparativa 2020

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En esta ocasión traemos una comparativa sobre Cuál es el mejor servicio de Internet en México para este 2020 🤔🤔 con información actualizada y datos que probablemente desconocías sobre los proveedores de Internet más importantes del país 😉

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📕 Fuentes de Información:






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Como Tener Internet Gratis Ilimitado Siempre en Cualquier Teléfono Android Psiphon Pro ilimitado APK

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Como Tener Internet Gratis Ilimitado Siempre en Android Psiphon Pro ilimitado

Aquí la app sin acortador

Suscríbete dale like y comparte

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Video Rating: / 5

Esta aplicacion es para las personas que no quieren complicarce mucho la vida con HTTP CUSTOM y demas aplicaciones ya que esta app es solo dare a conectar y jugar con los apn como explico en el video ¡ESPERO LES SIRVA!

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Data Usage Calculator

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Users may use the Calculator through the following link:

Be Internet Awesome.

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Be Internet Awesome.

To make the most of the Internet, kids need to be prepared to make smart decisions. Be Internet Awesome teaches kids the fundamentals of digital safety and citizenship so they can explore the online world with confidence.

Developed in collaboration with online safety experts, Be Internet Awesome provides tools for kids, parents and educators, including a free web-based game and classroom curriculum, to help teach these lessons through hands-on practice.

Let’s do this:
Video Rating: / 5

Major Lazer – Que Calor (feat. J Balvin & El Alfa) (Official Music Video)

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Que Calor (feat. J Balvin & El Alfa) – Major Lazer | Official Music Video

Subscribe to the Major Lazer YouTube Channel –

Listen to Que Calor:
Apple Music:
YT Music:
Amazon Music:

Major Lazer
J Balvin man
Latino Gang
El Alfa

Que calor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca
Por favor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca por favor

Esa rubia no me entiende si yo le hablo español
Pero se aprendió la canción a la perfección (lo sabe)
Por mi patria, por my nation
Ninguna discriminacion
Aqui no hay raza ni religion
Bailalo por obligación

Que calor (x2)
Que Calor, yeca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca
Por favor (x2)

La mujeres me la como al vapor
En la playa bañado en sudor
Los bikinis te queden mejor
Tu eres mi amor (mor mor mor)
Cada vez que veo ese booty yo me quedo loco
Tu le das asta abajo mami con mucho saoco
Como tu lo mueves en el mundo lo mueven poco
Dale dale, baila a lo loco
Como tu lo mueves en el mundo lo mueven poco
Dale dale, baila a lo loco
Como tu lo mueves en el mundo lo mueven poco

Calentamiento global
Anda suelto el animal
Mano arriba el que es real
Esto se va ser viral

Que calor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca

Por favor, que ca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca por favor
Que calor
Que calor, yeca
En la discoteca
Que calor, yeca
Para la muñeca
Por favor

It’s Colombia
It’s not Columbia
Not Columbia

Te-te-te-te (repeated)

Director: Colin Tilley
Director Photography: Elias Talbot
Editor: Mark Mayr
Producer: Jamee Ranta, Jack Winter
Executive Producer: Jamee Ranta, Colin Tilley
Production Company: Boy in the Castle, LLC
Commissioner: LARK CREATIVE
P&C Line: Mad Decent





Inscreva-se no NOVO CANAL da KondZilla

Ouça os nossos Hits no Spotify:

Inscreva-se no Canal da KondZilla e assista os clipes antes de todo mundo.

Compre agora os bonés da KondZilla

GR6 Eventos
(11) 2201-3848

Tico Fernandes


Novinha do popô grande
Quantos anos você tem?
Êta novinha
Tu tá rebolando bem

O GW que te chama
O Desafio foi lançado
Pra aquela que vai em cima
Pra aquelas que vão embaixo

Olha a menina
Toda se exibindo
Esse é seu momento
E faz o que tô te pedindo

Vai contraindo
Bate bunda
Bunda bate
Ela requebra o popozito
Vai contraindo

#Funk #KondZilla #MCGW #PortalKondZilla #FavelaVenceu #SomosPlural
Copyright © 2017 KondZilla® Filmes Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados.
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