Archive for the tag: Learn

Tell Me About Yourself – Learn This #1 Trick To Impress Hiring Managers ✓

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Tell Me About Yourself - Learn This #1 Trick To Impress Hiring Managers ✓

Here’s the link to my new and improved video on Tell Me About Yourself:

PowerPoint templates here;
✅My Interview MasterClass is now on YouTube. Watch now to double your chances;

Learn the best way to answer “tell me about yourself” job interview question from a PwC Consulting Manager and easily impress the hiring manager.

You will learn how to prepare, pass, and land interviews with multinational companies.

Tell Me About Yourself is one of the most critical questions you will be asked in your interview. In fact, I’ll go ahead and say that it’s perhaps THE most important question. I’ll also say that it’s the only one that can allow you to leave a long-lasting impression with the hiring managers. And, it’s incredibly easy to pull it off.

You need a structure in your pitch. A structure that will allow you to present your background effectively. In this video, I talk in great details as to how you should answer this job interview question.

It’s all about having a structure, knowing what to say, knowing what not to say and presenting your background smoothly while making sure mentioning important elements in your background which is also what the hiring managers are looking for. In your 2 minute pitch, you need to make sure you present your background in a way that they clearly get the idea that you are THE candidate they want to hire.

Watch the video until the end to gain a full understanding on the topic.”
Video Rating: / 5

This is a social experiment to show you the effect of how emotions can control your sales process. When my colleague agreed to shoot the video, she did not know that I will draw a heart sign picture of her brother’s name and that’s why she had a genuine REAL reaction.

In this video, I demonstrate the most professional way of emotionally and logically selling anything in the world including this pen. Selling is an art and to master it you need to understand the psyche (emotional and psychological) reason people buy. From the greatest Salespeople in the world including Grant Cardon, Victor Antonio, and Ryan Serhant. I present to you, the art of the deal, the pitch and the close.

From the infamous movie “The Wolf of Wall Street”, I present to you the perfect way you can sell any pen in the world.
Special thanks to the soundtrack producer: Gribsound – Abstract Corporate [No Copyright Background Music]

★ Job Interviews | Amazon & Google
★ English Advancement Classes
★ Sales | Direct | Telesales | Case Studies
★ Marketing | YouTube
Video Rating: / 5

Learn to Write Capital Letter D of the Alphabet | For Preschool & Kindergarten Kids | Neena Bluebell

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Amazon link:
Author website linK:
Link To subscribe for more videos:
The video complements the BLUEBELL Practice Makes Perfect Handwriting Workbook – The Fast, Fun and Effective Handwriting Method for Pre K, Kindergarten, Kids Ages 3-5, Beginners.

Perfect for use at Home or in School!
A thorough yet easy to learn introduction to handwriting.
With more than 150 pages, the BLUEBELL workbook includes:
Part 1: Pre-Writing Exercises
Practice making the basic strokes needed for handwriting.
Part 2: Letter Tracing
Follow step-by-step instructions for writing uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
Part 3: Review for Letter Tracing
Continue practicing writing the alphabet by completing this review section.
Part 4: Writing Words
Practice your handwriting skills by learning to write words. High Frequency Words and Sight Words in the book will also help jump start their learning and spark their interest in reading books.
Part 5: Sentences for Beginners
Continue practicing writing words by learning to write sentences.
Part 6: Alphabet Coloring Pages
Have fun writing words and coloring pictures!
Certificate of Achievement to award to the child!

Images used under license from

#KidsSongs #ABC #PhonicSong #HowtoWriteAlphabet #educationalvideos #preschoolvideosforchildren #Alphabet #Kindergarten #kidslearningvideos #kindergartensongs #abcsongforkids #LearnToWrite #Educational #ABCAlphabetSong

Learn SEO! Free SEO Training Course Created In December And Updated For 2019!

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Learn SEO with this free SEO training course recorded live! Avoid wasting money on an overpriced SEO course and study this free search engine optimization class, today!

This is going to be a beginner to intermediate SEO training to help make sure you are implementing the SEO best practices in your content marketing campaigns.

The pre-requisite for this SEO class is to watch the Keyword Research video here:

The above video shows my favorite keyword research tool I use every day… But it is a paid tool, so there is a monthly fee, which won’t work for everyone.

If you are looking for a how-to video that teaches you the best free keyword research tool, watch this video:

Either way, you need to get proficient at keyword research and you need to learn a kw research tool in order to properly execute SEO campaigns.

If you want a fast and furious braindump of all ideas SEO, watch this video:

This will get you caught up on the basics and I will cover some of these same SEO lessons, but in a different manner that will focus on ‘how’ to do what I explain in that above SEO video.

This class is going to show you the tried and true SEO methods I’ve used to generate tens of millions of visits to my websites.

Now, if you want to learn how to physically create the content as a content marketer that you can use in this kind of a SEO campaign, watch this video:
Video Rating: / 5

Want to learn how to drive more traffic to your website? Learn about the basics of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, and how it can take your website to the next level! Call us toll-free if you have questions! (888) 401-4678.
Video Rating: / 5