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How to Become an SEO Expert in 2019 | Neil Patel

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How to Become an SEO Expert in 2019 | Neil Patel

In this video I’m going to teach you how you can become an SEO expert. Do want to learn how to be an SEO expert like me, Neil Patel? SEO isn’t hard to learn, it just takes practice and passion.

Today I’ll share with you my 8 steps to becoming an SEO expert in 2019. I’m going to share with you what type of mindset, passion, and love you need to have to really learn all about search engine optimization. From building your website, writing content, and getting your links out there to rank on Google. This will be the best SEO tutorial you watch on YouTube.


“SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019” (video):

“The 3 SEO Tools I Use Rank #1 on Google” (video):

“SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide” (blog):

SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):

“Does Blogging Still Work in 2019?” (video):

“SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019” (video):

“The 3 SEO Tools I Use Rank #1 on Google | Neil Patel” (video):

“5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post” (video):

“How I Generated 37,391 Impressions on 1 Blog Post” (video):

Read more SEO tips on my blog:

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The first thing you need to do is make sure you truly love SEO, you wanna do it, and you wanna get good at it.

The second thing you need to do is set up a website. Go to or, set up your own website. It could be a blog, could be a blogging platform, it doesn’t matter. That’s just the first thing you need to do. Without your own website, you won’t know how to implement these tactics, practice, or get good at it.

The third thing you need to do is write content. When you have your website, if you don’t have content, you’re not gonna rank. As the saying goes, content is king. Publish content on whatever you’re passionate about.

The fourth thing is you need to build links. When it comes to building links, if no one’s linking to your website, you won’t rank.

Then, when you take those articles, you can put ’em into Ahrefs. It’ll show you all the people linking to ’em.

On top of links, you now need to then start getting social shares.

Then, I want you to follow all the popular marketing blogs, from Backlinko to Moz, to hey, even me, All of these marketing blogs will break out the latest and greatest tactics and techniques. By reading ’em on a regular basis, you’ll learn ’em, you’ll stay on top of the curve, so that way, you’ll do better than most people in the SEO industry.

And last but not least, be patient. You’re not gonna climb to the top of Google in a month, or even three months or six months. It takes longer and longer each and every single year because the web is more competitive. There’s roughly 1.7 or 1.8 billion websites on the Internet. That’s roughly four websites, technically one website for every four people. That’s a lot of websites, and blogs, there’s over a billion. That’s roughly one blog for every seven people. That’s too many sites to choose from. Because that Google now says, hey, there’s a lot of people talking about the same content over and over again, let’s pick the ones that are more up-to-date or more authority. It makes it that much harder for you to get rankings. For that reason, you need to learn to be patient. If you do this consistently for six months to a year, you’ll get results.

#NeilPatel #SEO #SEO2019

SEO in 2019 What Will and Won’t Work | Neil Patel

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Today I’m going to share with you SEO in 2019 – what will and won’t work. As time goes on SEO is becoming harder and harder. So should you even do SEO anymore? Of course you should! Majority of the people click on organic listings and not paid listings.

In this video you’ll learn 6 SEO tips and I’ll share with you SEO in 2019 – what works and what doesn’t work.



Google PageSpeed:

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“How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019” (video):

“Does Blogging Still Work in 2019?” (video):

“SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips to Rank #1 on Google in 2019”:

“The 3 SEO Tools I Use Rank #1 on Google | Neil Patel” (video):

“5 Tips For Writing An Awesome Blog Post” (video):

“8 Steps to Making Your Blog Successful – Passive Income Online Blogging” (video):

“How I Generated 37,391 Impressions on 1 Blog Post” (video):

Read more SEO tips on my blog:

►Subscribe: to learn more secret SEO tips.
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The first tip I have for you is, blogging drives a ton of traffic. You guys know that, Google loves content, as they say, content is king. But here’s the thing, there’s over a billion blogs right now. So, if you go out there and you just write tons of blog posts because your competitors rank for all these terms, it won’t work. Regurgitating the same information over and over again won’t produce results in 2019. What you need to do is create a new unique spin. You have to write about fresh stuff that people haven’t seen. So instead of focusing on writing a blog post every day, maybe write a post once a week, or if you can’t even do that, once a month, but if you write something that’s super new and unique, I kid you not, you’re gonna get a ton of social shares, you’re gonna get a ton of backlinks, you’re gonna get a ton of comments and engagement and traffic.

The second tip I have for you is to build a brand. There’s a lot of sites out there creating fake news, and Google hates that. They’re looking for brand signals, and if you’re wondering how big your brand is, go to Google Trends, type in your brand name, versus your competitor, and you’ll see how you’re doing. The reason they wanna rate brands is, it builds trust. They know that if people are looking for your brand, they trust you, and you’re less likely to create crap content or write fake news.

The third tip I have for you is, link building is harder than ever. Everyone’s hitting up these sites for links. Yes, there’s over a billion blogs, but because there’s so many sites out there, everyone’s getting hit up more and more for links.

The fourth tip is make sure your website loads fast. Google has a mobile-only search engine as well as one just for your desktop and laptop devices. Speed is more important than ever. Yes, I know people have 4G and 5G phones, just because they have fast ones doesn’t mean they’re in an area with really strong reception, so that could mean your website loads really, really slow. Use Google Page Speed, it’ll show you what you need to fix to load faster in Google’s eyes.

The next tip I have for you is voice search. Voice search is becoming more and more popular. By 2020 over 50% of the people will be using voice search. So you wanna make sure with your website and your content, ’cause that’s typically what’s gonna rank for voice search, you’re answering questions people may type in, in short sentences. Not big long paragraphs, but it should be one to two sentences. The shorter you are with your responses to the answer, the more likely you’re gonna rank.

The sixth tip for you is, update your content. Google’s tired of ranking old, outdated content. I’ve mentioned this many times, there’s over a billion blogs, so what does that mean? There’s content on everything. Whatever you’re writing on, the chances are, there’s 50 other articles similar to that. If you wanna do better, I know I already mentioned, write new, fresh content. But even with your new, fresh content, other people are gonna copy you, so you need to update it, it doesn’t have to be monthly, but at least once a year, go into your best-performing pieces of content and update them. It’ll help ensure that you continue to rank high on Google.

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